2025 AGM

Published 15:35 on 12 Mar 2025
The Woolverstone Project AGM was held on February 17th at Stutton Village Hall. The session opened with the Chair of Trustees (AB) thanking all volunteers for the extraordinary commitment and dedication they have made to the Project over many years, a commitment that has helped us get to the position we now find ourselves in one of financial and operational strength. He then reported on the changes made to the Trust in 2024 and outlined further changes planned for 2025.
Charity changes
The Woolverstone Project official charity name has now been changed from East Anglian Sailing for Persons with Disabilities (Charity Number 1046098) to Woolverstone Sailability Project a new charity formed as a Charity Incorporated Organization (CIO) (Charity Number 1210807).
The benefits of switching the Trust to a CIO
The move to forming a new CIO should have a range of benefits. These include:
- updating the Project in terms of its charitable status
- protecting Trustees from personal financial risk
- refining and clarifying the legal status of the Trust
- safeguarding the Trust for the future
Trustee roles
Andy Beharrell is stepping down as the Chair of Trustees and Dave Cooke will succeed him. Andy was appointed as President and also remains a Trustee for a further year.
The award by the National Lottery Community Fund with payments spread over five years was announced. The first tranches have been paid and this has covered the legal costs of changing to a CIO and part of the cost of the new Hansa 3.03 - Freedom. The National Lottery Community Fund money will also be used the increase training programs, recruit volunteers and increase our engagement with local stakeholder groups.
The trustees have decided to fundraise for a new Wheelyboat.
In memory of John Clements the family raised funds to help buy a Hansa 3.03 and they chose the boat name Freedom.
Courses provided by the Trust
As well as being an RYA Recognised Training Centre, the Project is now also affiliated to the RYA and courses for volunteers will be expanded to increase volunteer skills and understanding especially with understanding disability and safeguarding requirements.
Sailing sessions and 2024 Events
2024 was a very busy year with 240 sailing sessions at Woolverstone and 194 sessions at Anglian Water and 1,768 sailors gaining sailing experience.
2025 bookings have increased with Wheelyboat sessions already fully booked.
The following special events took place in 2024:
- Face Everything and Rise (FEAR)
- Success after Stroke
- Parkinsons day
- Wildlife trips
- Visit by local MP
- Hansa TT event
- Blue Mermaid barge trip from the River Blackwater to Tower Bridge
Compound changes and other site improvements
The new toilet block which RHS are going to allow us to share is nearing completion and the pathways and the compound surface with plastic matting will be completed in the near future.
Graham Seabrook (Operations Manager) gave a comprehensive report covering the vital role played by volunteers and he set out changes and improvements to operational procedures. Following the review of the MAIB report he set out the amended Wheelyboat safety requirements, the checklists to be completed before sessions as well as an update on training. This is an ambitious program of courses for volunteers with clear training pathways set out for all volunteers, whatever their skills.
Volunteering in 2024 is estimated at 5,958 volunteer hours. A massive thank you to all volunteers.
Operational changes
The Operations team have decided on the following changes:
- Loading to be kept within capacity of the boat and trim
- Maximum weight criteria limited to 9 average weight people with dynamic risk assessments and with daily monthly and annual checks
- Regular maintenance activity clearly documented
- Standard safety operating procedures clearly understood by all
- Training specific to WP Boats and those who operate them
- Morning pre-departure checks
There will be a training update including mandatory Wheelyboat, Sonar and buddy training pathways for:
- Woolverstone skippers and crew of Sonar and Wheelyboat
- Disability awareness and safeguarding for all volunteers
- General sailing buddy training
Many thanks to Stutton Village Hall for hosting us. We look forward to starting the sailing season very soon.
Last updated 15:35 on 12 March 2025