Welcoming the High Sheriff

Published 19:27 on 25 Jul 2021
We were delighted to welcome Edward Creasey - the High Sheriff of Suffolk - to our sailing session on Monday July 19th. He came along with great timing as this was the first week when we offered buddy sailing once again. He came down to see the work we do - much of which has been support by the grants given to us by Suffolk Community Foundation. The office of the High Sheriff is at least 1,000 years old, having its roots in Saxon times before the Norman Conquest. The Shrievalty is the oldest secular office after the Crown and the area for which a Sheriff is appointed is usually called his/her "Bailiwick". The High Sheriff is appointed annually in April and is the Sovereign's representative in the county for matters relating to the judiciary and the maintenance of law and order.
The High Sheriff was also joined by the Chair of the RYA East region - Doug MacEwen - who came to present our volunteer Leslie Downing with the Francis Elkin Trophy. The Francis Elkin Trophy is one of the Royal Yachting Association's (RYA) most prestigious awards. It is presented in recognition of a significant contribution in time, effort and personal endeavour to enable people with disabilities to become involved in sailing. The High Sherriff also awarded the Project a certificate of recognition for their work in taking disabled sailors out on the water.

Last updated 14:36 on 23 September 2024